
Showing posts from July, 2022

Sun.Some clouds/Sun/Hot90s (Enh.Str./Enh.Calis.)(1:39)(700 Kcal)(Wt. 182)

 7/31/22: Woke 8AM, right wrist hurt really bad yesterday after woodworking. Took some pain killer and wrapped it in an ACE bandage throughout night. Felt a little better in the morning and took off ACE bandage. Decided to try enhanced stretching and enhanced calisthenics, hoping the wrist will not "give out" managed to get through all exercises.  Interrupted briefly by phone call from son and grand daughter who wanted to come and visit "george" the stuffed monkey.  Showed her george and continued with exercises.  Did 1:39 time and used about 700 Kcal.  Weight 182.

Sat. Sunny/HOT/90s (Mod.Str./Mod. Calis.)(1:00 hr.)(500 Kcal)(Wt. 182)

 7/30/22: Woke 7AM, stripped beds, put alcohol on my side of bed after I stripped bed, washed sheets, made beds. Did moderate stretching and moderate calisthenics. 500 Kcal. Left arm still a little sore from Shingrix vaccination yesterday around 3:30 PM.  Weight 182

Fri.Cloudy Hot/Humid (Enh.Str./Enh.Calis.+Enh.Wts.)(2:15)(1250 Kcal)(Wt. 180)Shingrix shot

 7/29/22: Woke 8AM, made beds.  Decided to do complete exercises!  Enhanced stretching and enhanced calisthenics, plus enhanced weights, 2:15, using about 1250 Kcal.  Weight 180. Later on in the day, before I had dinner with Rand and Robin, had Shingrix vaccination. Sore arm as side effect is all.

Thurs. Some sun/clouds/90s (Mod. Str./Mod/Calis.)(56 min.)(500 Kcal)(Wt. 184)

 7/28/22: Woke 8 AM, made beds.  Did moderate stretching and moderate calisthenics.  56 min. using about 500 Kcal.  Wt. 184.

Wed.Cloudy80-89 degrees (Mod.Str/Mod.Calis.)(54 min)(500 Kcal)(Wt.183)+(S)(1 mile)(37:33)(400 Kcal)

 7/27/22: Woke 8, made beds.  Did moderate stretching and moderate calisthenics.  Time 54 min, using about 500 Kcal.  Weight 183. Plus swimming, 72 lengths, plus two warm down lengths, 37:33 using 400 Kcal.

Tues.Cloudy/Hot (Enh.Str./Enh.Calis.)(1:44)(700 Kcal)(Wt. 183)

7/26/22: Woke 7:30, made beds.  Enhanced streching and enhanced calisthenics.  Timing, 1:44, using about 700 Kcal.  Weight, 183. 

Mon.Sunny/HOT!!(Rain later?) (Enh.Str./enh.calis.+Enh.Wts.)(2:11)(1200 Kcal)(Wt. 180)

 7/25/22: Woke 6:30 made beds. Cleaner here.  Decided to do enhanced stretching and enhanced calisthenics, plus enhanced weights, 2:11 using 1200 Kcal.  Weight 180.

Sun.Sunny Very hot. (Enh.Str./Enh.Calis.)(1:34)(650 Kcal.)(Wt. 181)

 7/24/22: Woke 8, stripped beds, washed sheets, made beds.  Did enhanced stretching and enhanced calisthenics. 1:34, using 650 Kcal.  Wt. 181

Sat. Sunny HOT!!! (Walked)(3 miles)(2 hrs.)(400 Kcal)(No weight.)

 7/23/22: Woke 7AM, rolled up bed and packed clothes to go home. Daughter in law back from Florida.  Went to water park with grand daughter, then Daughter in law, grand daughter and I went to pick up "lunch" stop at a street fair.  WAAAYYYY too hot. Total about 3 miles, using 400 Kcal. No weight.  rove home after 6PM arrival time. No weight.  Got home, watered garden and picked some fruit, one BIG eggplant a cucumber and cherry tomatoes.

Fri.Sunny HOT!!! (Walked)(3 miles)(400 Kcal)(No wt.)(2 hrs.)

7/22/22: Woke 6:47. Walked grand daughter to HLS, back and went to pick her up, plus walked to Home Depot for an under counter lazy susan, they did not have it.  About 2 hours, 3 miles using about 400 Kcal.  No weight

Thurs. Sunny/HOT (Brief rain in Hoboken) (Walked)(3 miles)(400 Kcal)(1.5 hrs.)(No wt.)

 7/21/22: Woke 7:10. Took grand child from son's room so he could sleep a bit more.  Walked grand daughter to HLS and I walked back.  Later, picker her up from HLS.  Total about 3 miles including a side trip to the river. About 400 Kcal.  Cleaned up all the detritus in son's place. Washed pots/pans, fixed sink faucet, fixed ceiling lights, fixed under counter lights, fixed picture that fell near son's office, put away toys and clothes from grand daughter. Got rid of a lot of trash to recycling. No weight.

Wed. Sunny HOT (Enh.Str./Enh.Calis.+Enh. Wts.)(2:12)(1200 Kcal)(Wt. 180)

7/20/22: Woke 7:30, made beds. Did enhanced stretching and enhanced calisthenics, plus enhanced weights. 2:12, using 1200 Kcal.  Weight 180. 

Tues. Sunny/Hot. Mod.Str/Calis.)(53 min.)(500 Kcal)(Wt. 183)+(Gardening/moving material)(1 hr.)(300 Kcal)

 7/19/22: Woke 7:39, made beds.  Did moderate stretching+,plus moderate calisthenics. 53 min. plus 1 hr. of moving stuff for gardening, 300 Kcal.  Very hot outside. Weight 183.

Mon.Sunny/HOT/rain later? (Enh.Str./enh.Calis+Enh.Wts.)(2:10)(1200 Kcal)(Wt. 182)

 7/18/22: Woke 7:22, made beds.  Enhanced stretching and calisthenics, plus enhanced weights, 2:10 using 1200 Kcal.  Weight 182.

Sun.Sunny hot/rain threatens (mod.str./calis.)(47 min.)(Wt. 182)+(Mowed lawn, front side and back)(38 min.)(400 Kcal)

 7/17/22: Woke 7:37, stripped beds, washed sheets made beds. Moderate stretch and moderate calisthenics, 47 min, using about 500 Kcal. Mowed lawn front, side and back, 38 minutes, using about 500 Kcal. Weight 182.

Sat. Sunny Hot (Mod+str./Mod+calis.)(54 min)(550 Kcal)(Wt. 182)+(Walked on boardwalk/ocean city)(500 Kcal)

 7/16/22: Woke 8:30, made beds. Did moderate plus stretching and moderate plus calisthenics, 54 min.550 Kcal.  Walked on boardwalk and funplex in Ocean City with kids riding the rides. about 3 miles, 600 Kcal.

Fri.Sunny/Hot/Rain later (Mod.Str./Calis.)(37 min.)(300 Kcal)(Wt. 181)+(Woodworking)(2 hrs.)(600 Kcal)

 7/15/22: Wife's b-day. Woke 7:38, moderate stretching and calisthenics. 37 min. 300 Kcal. Weight 181. Finished working on grand daughter's step stool, painting and construction. 2 hrs. 600 Kcal.

Thurs. Sunny/HOT!! (Enh.Str./Calis+Enh.Wts.)(2:11)(1200 Kcal)(Wt. 179!)

 7/14/22: Woke 9 AM, made beds.  Decided to do the full set of exercises, since I have no obligations today other than painting the step stool components for grand daughter.  Did enhanced stretches and enhanced calisthenics, then did enhanced weights.  Time 2:11, using 1200 Kcal.  Weight finally below 180!...Weighed in at 179!  Yeah me.

Wed. Sunny/HOT (Enh.Str./Calis.)(1:50)(700 Kcal)(Wt. 181)

 7/13/22: Woke 8AM, made beds. Did enhanced stretching and enhanced calisthenics, using about 700 Kcal, 1:50, weight 181.

Tues.Sunny/some clouds later and rain? (Enh.St./Enh.Calis.+Enh.Wts.)(2:17)(1200 Kcal)(Wt. 181)+(Woodworking)(45 min.)(300 Kcal)

 7/12/22: Woke 7AM, made beds.  Decided to do all the exercises except ankle/toe lifts and jumping jacks.  Enhanced stretches and enhanced calisthenics, plus enhanced weights. 2:17 using about 1200 Kcal.  Weight 181.  Continued to work on booster steps for grand daughter, 45 min, 300 Kcal/

Mon.Sunny/Hot. (Mod.Str./Mod.Calis.)(1:00 hr.)(600 Kcal.)(Wt. 183)

 7/11/22: Woke 8:42, made beds and vacuumed bedroom rug.  Moderate stretching and moderate calisthenics. 1:00 hr. using 600 Kcal.  No jumping jacks, right ankle sore.

Sun.Sunny/hot. (Enh.Str./Enh.Calis.)(1:45)(700 Kcal)(Wt. 182)+(Walking)(2 miles)(300 Kcal)(2 hrs.)+(Woodworking)(1 hr.)(300 Kcal)

 7/10/22: Woke 5:30 AM, made beds. Did enhanced stretching and enhanced calisthenics, 1:45, using 700 Kcal (with jumping jacks). Walking in Haddonfield, about 2 miles, 2 hrs, using about 300 Kcal.  One hour of wood working, using about 300 Kcal.

Sat. Cloudy/mid 70s/rain? (Mod.Str./Calis.)(1 hr.)(500 Kcal)(Wt. 183)

 7/9/22: Woke 8:40, stripped beds, washed sheets/made beds. Moderate stretching and calisthenics with jumping jacks. 1:00 hr. using 500 Kcal.  Weight 183.

Fri.Sun/some clouds/Hot high 80's (Enh.Str./Enh.Calis.)(1:43)(Wt. 182)+(S)(38:27)(1 mile)(400 Kcal)

 7/8/22: Woke 8AM, made beds. Did enhanced stretching and enhanced calisthenics, even though I was going to cut it short,,,decided to do all exercises. Weight 182. Went to gym to swim, 72 lengths, plus 2 warm down, 38:27 using 400 Kcal

Thurs.Rainy/cloudy/80s (Enh.Str./Calis.+Enh.Wts.)(2:11)(1250 Kcal)(Wt. 181)

 7/7/22: Woke 8AM and made beds.  Decided to do the whole routine, enhanced stretching, enhanced calisthenics (with 20 jumping jacks)+enhanced weights. 2:11 using about 1250 Kcal.  Weight 181.

Wed.Cloudy/HOT/Humid (Enh.Str./Enh.Calis.)(1:42)(650 Kcal)(Wt. 184)

 7/6/22: Woke 7AM, made beds.  Did enhanced stretching and enhanced calisthenics.  Time 1:42, using about 650 Kcal.  Weight 184.

Tues. Sunny/HOT (Enh.Str./Calis.)(1:42)(650 Kcal)(Wt. 181)

 7/5/22: Woke 7 AM, made beds. Did enhanced stretching exercises and enhanced calisthenics, 1:42 using about 650 Kcal.  Weight 181.

Mon.Sunny/Hot (Enh.Str./calis.)(1:44)(1100 Kcal)(Wt. 181)+(Woodworking)(3 hrs.)(600 Kcal)

 7/4/22: Independence Day.  Woke 7:27, made beds.  Did enhanced stretching exercises and enhanced calisthenics in 1:44 using about 1100 Kcal.  Weight 181. Plus woodworking, started bed for grand daughter, put up flag, affixed handle on umbrella. Had to take maple table top from garage attic and started sanding it to take off old finished.  Did 60 grit and 150 grit. 3 hours, using about 600 Kcal.

Sunday Cloudy/rain/HOT (Enh.Str./Calis.)(1:41)(700 Kcal)(Wt. 181)

 7/3/22: Woke 8AM, made beds. Slept terribly, fits of coughing, noticing it was raining hard. Turned on HEPA air filter and that seemed to help me stop coughing, but still interrupted sleep having to get up to go pee at least 3 times. Did enhanced stretching and enhanced calisthenics, 1:41 using 700 Kcal, weight 181.

Sat. Cloudy Hot 80s (Enh.Str./Calis.+Enh.Wts.)(2:09)(1150 Kcal)(Wt. 182)

 7/2/22: Woke 7AM, stripped beds, washed sheets, made beds.  Treated wife side of bed with alcohol, she's been sick the last 5 days...Did enhanced stretching and enhanced calisthenics, plus enhanced weight for 2:09, using 1150 Kcal.  Weight 182.

Fri. Sunny Hot (Light stretch/Calis.)(31 min.)+(Washing Dishes)(2 hrs.)(800 Kcal)(Wt. 182)

 7/1/22: Woke 7AM, made beds. Skipped stretching and calisthenics, went to South Jersey Food Bank to volunteer.  They had me washing dishes for 2 hrs., used about 800 Kcal total for the day.  Watered plants with rain water, threatened to rain, but did not. Wt. 182.

Thurs. Hot Sunny (B)(13.55 miles)(1:15)(650 Kcal)(Wt. 183 by Dr.s scale w/clothes)

 6/30/22: Woke 7:13 made beds.  No stretching or calisthenics, rather biked to Drs. office, total mileage, 13.55, about 1:15, using 650 Kcal.  Wt. at Dr.s scale 183, my scale 182. Wellness check up.