
Showing posts from March, 2021

Wed.Cloudy/warmer (Stretched)(30 min)+ (R)(40:17)(8020 meters)(436 Kcal) (40:17)(Wt. 192)

 3/31/21: Woke 7 AM, laid around till 7:30. Made beds, stretched for 30 min., then rowing for 40:17, 8020 meters, 436 712 Kcal.  Wt. 192.

Tues. Sunny/cold (Stretch+wts)(50 min)(450 Kcal)+(Stripped and made two beds)(1 hr.)(Wt. 192)

 3/30/21: Woke 7AM. Stretched +weights, 50 min, 450 Kcal+ Stripped and made two beds, 1 hr. Wt. 192

Mon.Sunny/cold (Stretched+wts.)(50 min)(400 Kcal)+(2 hrs. of moving furniture)(600 Kcal)(Wt. 193)

 3/29/21: Woke 7:15, made beds, stretched with weights, 400 Kcal 51 min.+ moved furniture for daughter, 2 hrs. using 600 Kcal. Wt. 193.

Sunday (Rainy) Stretch-15 min. only,100 Kcal (Wt. 194)

 3/28/21: Woke 7:30AM Stretched 15 min, 100 Kcal, wt. 194.  Made beds.

Sat. Perfect 73 degree weather(Stretched+wts)(50 min)(400 Kcal)(Wt. 193!)+(outside with grand daughter)

 3/27/21: Stripped beds, washed sheets/made beds. Woke 7:30, stretched + wts, 50 min, 400 Kcal. Was outside with grand daughter two times. Once just walking around, other time we went to playground. Wt. 193

Friday Some clouds/rain later? (Stretched+wts.)(51 min.)(400 Kcal)(Wt. 194)

3/26/21: Woke around 7:30, made beds.  Stretched +wts, 51 min, 400 Kcal, wt. 194 

Thurs.Cloudy/cool/little rain (stretch)(20 min)(150 Kcal) (Wt. 192)

 3/25/21:  Woke around 7:30, 20 min. stretch, 150 Kcal, Wt. 192.  Susan's funeral, all day.

Wed. Some sun/some clouds, cold (Stretch+wts.)(51 min)(400 Kcal)(Wt. 193)

 3/24/21: Got up around 8AM, made beds, stretched + Weights. 51 min, using 400 Kcal, wt. 193.

Tues. Some clouds/warmer,602s ((stretched)(20 min)(200 Kcal)(Wt. 192)+(B)(20.22 miles)(1:40)(1000 Kcal.)

 3/23/21: Woke around 7:30.  Made beds. Did basic stretches, Wt. 192.  Went to Dr. about back itching and ear pain.  They checked both and cleared out my ear wax build up!  There was a lot of crap there. Gave me a referral to Dermatologist to follow up on my back itching and a dark spot on my left hip. Later, after doing zoom with St. Joe students, went for a bike ride. 20.22 miles in about 1:40, found 77 cents. Susan Feldman died today, got news around 8PM

Monday.Sunny/Cold/warmer 60s (Stretch+weights+total gym)(1:15)(800 Kcal)(Wt. 190)

 3/22/21: Got up 7:30AM,  made beds, stretched, plus weights+total gym, 1:15, using 800 Kcal, wt. 190

Sun.Sunny/warmer (Stretch 43 min)(300 Kcal)(Wt. 192)

 3/21/21: Woke 7AM, stretched 43 min, using about 300 Kcal  Wt. 192

Sat. Sunny cool (stretched)(55 min)(300 Kcal)(Wt. 190)+(B)(20.32 miles)(1:40, using 1000+kcal)(wt. 190)

 3/20/21: Woke 7:30AM, stripped beds, washed sheets towels, etc., made beds. Stretched 55 min, 300 Kcal+ biked 20.32 miles in about 1:40, using about 1000+ Kcal.  Wt. 190

Fri. Cold/sunny (Stretch w/ weights)(53 min)(450 Kcal)(Wt. 191)

 3/19/21: Woke 5:45AM. Stretched with Weights, 53 min., 450 Kcal, wt. 191 Got 1st vaccine, Pfizer.  Made beds

Wed. Cloudy/cold, rain? (Stretched)(45 min)(300 Kcal)+(Teadmill)(58:37)(471 Kcal)(Incline 3-5, aver. 4)(Speed 3.2 MPH)(Wt. 190)

 3/17/21: St. Pattys Day.  Suzie called right after my exercise, barely can understand her. Made beds, stretched 45 min, 300 Kcal, then Treadmill, 58:37, 471 Kcal 3.12 miles (5Km), incline average 4, speed, 3.2 MPH, wt. 190. Total Kcal, stairs etc.  1150.

Tues. Rainy/cold (Stretch)(42 min)(300 Kcal)(Wt. 192)

 3/16/21: Woke 7AM, made beds, stretched, 42 min, 300 Kcal, Wt. 192.

Mon.Sunny/cold (Stretched)(42 min)(300 Kcal)(Wt. 191)

 3/15/21: Woke 8AM, made beds, stretched for 42 min, 300 Kcal.  Wt. 191

Sunday: Sunny Cold (Stretch+wts)(47 min)(450 Kcal)(Wt. 191)

 3/14/21: Made beds, stretched+weights, 47 min., 450 Kcal, wt. 191 Got up 9AM, but with change of clocks, 10AM

Sat. Sunny/COLDER! (Stretch)(30 min)(300 Kcal)+(R)(40:26)(440 Kcal)(8026 meters)(Wt. 191)

 3/13/21: Got up 7:30, made beds, stretched 30 min, 300 Kcal, changed, went to basement to row, 40:26, 440 Kcal, 8026 meters, wt. 191

Fri.CloudyCool (Stretched+stripped beds/washed/made beds)(40 min)(300 Kcal)(Wt. 192)

 3/12/21: Got up  8:30. Stripped beds, stretch for 40 min, washed sheets etc. made beds.  300 Kcal.  Wt. 192

Thurs. Some clouds, 60s (Stretch+Wts.)(53 min)(450 Kcal)(Wt. 191)+(Washed and waxed car)(1.5 hrs.)(1000 Kcal)

 3/11/21: Got up 7:20, made beds, stretched + wts., 53 min, using 450 Kcal.  Wt. 191+ washed and waxed car, 1.5 hours, 1000 Kcal.

Wed. Sunny(60s)(Stretch)(30min.)(300 Kcal)(Wt. 190)

 3/10/21: Woke around 7:30. Made beds and stretched for 30 min. 300 Kcal Wt. 190

Tues. SunnyWarmer-60s (Stretched)(45 min)(400 Kcal)+(Bike)(1:40)(21.8 miles)(1100 Kcal)(wt. 189)

 3/9/21: Got up 8:15, made beds, stretched for 45 min. Test for St. Joes- had a hard time getting into zoom. After-went for a bike ride, 1:40 min, found a near perfect Samsung phone at mile marker 10 on Rt. 70. Went 21.8 miles using about 1100 Kcal.  Wt. 189

Mon.Sunny/cold (Stretch)(30 min)(300 Kcal)+ (Wts & Total Gym)(40 min)(Wt. 192)

 3/8/21: Got up 7AM, made beds, stretched for 30 min, 300 Kcal. Cleaner comes...I go to basement and do weights+Total gym- 40 min.  400 Kcal. Wt. 192

Sat. Sunny/cold (Stretch)(50 min)(400 Kcal)+(R)(41:19)(8022 meters)(430 Kcal)(Wt. 190)

3/6/21: Woke 7:30 made beds, stretched 50 min, 400 Kcal, rowing, 8022 meters in 41:19, using 430 Kcal.  Wt. 190. Grand daughter coming! 

Fri. Sunny/cold (Stretch)(42 min)(300 Kcal)(Wt. 191)

 3/5/21: Got up 7:55, made beds, stretched for 42 min, 300 Kcal, wt. 191.

Thurs. Sunny/COLD (Stretches+Weights)(400 Kcal)(Wt. 192)

 3/4/21: Got up 8AM, Made beds (Soaked my side of bed with 70% isopropyl alcohol). Stretched + weights, 50 min, 400 Kcal.  Re-made beds to trap the alcohol inside bed covers! Wt. 192

Wed. Sunny Cold. Stretched 40 min, 300 Kca.)+(B)(18.3 miles)(1:30)(900 Kcal)(Wt. 187)

 3/3/21: Woke 7:30AM, made beds, stretched 40 min. 300 Kcal Bundled up and went for bike ride, 1:30, 18.3 miles, using 900 Kcal.  Found $1.69  Wt. 187

Tues. Sunny/cold. (Stretched)(41 min.)(300 Kcal)+(Cleaned out trunk of car)(1 hr.)(200 Kcal)(Wt. 191)

 3/3/21: Woke 7, made beds, stretched 40 min, using 300 Kcal.  Cleaned out trunk of car, 1 hr. 200 Kcal  Wt. 191.

Monday Cloudy/rain (Stretches+weights)(1 hr.)(400 Kcal)(Wt. 192)+(Walked snowblower to repair shop)(1 mile)(30 min)+(Walk back)(1 mile 25 min)

 3/1/21: Got up 6AM, but lounged in bed till 7.  Made beds, stretches + weights, 1 hr. 400 Kcal.  Wt. 192. Walked big snowblower to repair shop, 1 mile, 30 min, and walked back without it, 25 min. 600 Kcal