
Showing posts from December, 2019

Tues. Sunny/cool (S)(1 mile)(40 min)(400 Kcal)(wt. 186)

12/31/19: Woke around 9:30 AM.  Decided to try swimming after being sick these last few days.  Was really hurting, spasms in the chest for the first 30 laps, then it disappeared.  Did 72 lengths, 1 mile in 40 min.  Using about 400 Kcal.  Wt. 186.

Fri. Sunny/nearly warm/58 (S)(1.25 miles)(47:18)(500 Kcal)+gave blood (reg. donation)

12/27/19: Got up around 9AM. Washed sheets and towels. Went to gym, did 90 lengths in 47:18 using 500 Kcal.  Then went and WAS going to do double red donation, but there was no one there trained on that machine, so just did a reg. unit. Crit 16.5.

Wed. Sunny/cold (B)(16.12 miles)(1.5 hrs.)(800 Kcal)

12/25/19: Got up around 8AM.  Started to make pumpkin mousse, but had not more pumpkin, decided to walk to Shop Rite to see if they might be open, but decided to ride bike instead.  If Shop Rite not open I could try WaWa and get in a "few" miles on the bike.  Stopped at every fast food drive-in window and collected about $1 in change and found a long piece of heavy rope and a Dunkin card with $3.25 left on it! Did 16.12 miles in about 1.5 hrs, using about 800 Kcal.  Did not find pumpkin at WaWa, decided to try banana instead.

Tues. Sunny/Cold (S)(1.25 miles)(47:53)(500 Kcal)(Wt. 189?)

12/24/19: Got up around 8AM.  Cleaners not here till 10:30AM.  Delivered wooden box to MKor.  Came home and left for gym after cleaners left. Got to gym around 1PM, swam til about quarter of 2 (they closed at 2 for Christmas Eve).  Did 90 lengths, 1.25 miles in 47:53 (slow), using 500 Kcal.  Did get out of gym by about 2PM.

Sunday Sunny/cold (R)(50:15)(10,165 meters)(560 Kcal)

12/22/19: Woke around 8AM.  Going to see son, daughter-in-law and grand daughter.  Decided to get work out in early.  Changed and went downstairs to row. 10,165 meters in 50:15 using 560 Kcal.

Fri.Sunny/COLD. (S)(1.75 miles)(1:05:72)(700 Kcal)(Wt. 187)

12/20/19: Got up 7:30AM went to gym to sell weight vest to someone who asked for same, but he showed up 9AM rather than 8:15 and said he did not have the money ($20, really?).  Anyway, went for swim, 126 length, 1.75 miles in 1:05, using 700 Kcal.  Wt. 187

Wed. Sun then snow (4 hrs of woodworking and raking leaves)(1200 Kcal)

12/18/19: Got up 8AM. decided to try and finish off one 2X2X2 box for Mkor.  Accomplished same and raked leaves.  Total 4 hrs, using about 1200 Kcal.

Tues.Rainy/cold (Stairmaster)(Floors 103)(23 min.)(285 Kcal)+(Treadmill)(3.6 mph)(Incline 9)(500 Kcal)(42 min.)(2.5 miles)(Wt. 186)

12/17/19:  Got up 9AM. Made phone calls to Shattershield/Layr to make appt. to coat sliding glass doors and called Met Life that an additional charge to the sliding glass door charge would be forthcoming.  Went to gym. Stairmaster, speed 8, time 23 min., steps 1640, floors 103, Kcal 285, max heart rate, 153.  Then Treadmill, 3.6 mph,incline 9, kcal 500, dist. 2.5 miles, time 42 min, max HR=111.  Total Kcal 785, wt. 186.

Sunday, Sunny Cold (S)(1.5 miles)(56:30)(600 Kcal)(Wt. 184)

12/15/19: Woke around 8AM.  Went to Mkor gift shop volunteer. Came home, went to gym to swim.  110 Lengths, 2750 yards, 1.56 miles, 600 Kcal, time 56:30, wt. 184.

Fri.Rainy/cold (Treadmill)(52 min)(455 Kcal)(3.22 miles/5K)(Wt. 187)

12/13/19: Friday the 13th! Got up 8AM. Was going to bike, but was raining.  Went to gym, did treadmill, 3.7 MPH, 3.22 miles 455 Kcal, 5 incline. Wt. 187

Wed. Some light snow then warmed up)(Total Gym)(27:39)+R)(18:10)(525 Kcal)

12/11/19: Woke up 8AM. Went to Nottingham and met with teachers, etc...Then went to luncheon with retired teachers.  Came home and re-arranged basement to allow for Total Gym to be used again.  Did 20 push ups and worked on Total Gym for 27 min and finished with light rowing, 18 min.  525 Kcal.

Tues. Cool/rainy wet (S)(1.25 miles+)(500 Kcal)(46:12)(Wt. 185)

12/10/19: Got up around 8AM.  Cleaners, then went to gym to swim. 92 lengths total, 90 for time of 46:12, using 500 Kcal, wt. 185.

Sun.Sunny/cold! (B)(18 miles)(1:15 min.)(900 Kcal)(Wt. 185)

12/8/19: Up at 8AMWent to Mkor for few hrs to help with gift shop. Then home.  Changed, was going to go to gym to swim, but swim team there.  Decided to run a bunch of errands, stopped at Shop Rite to correct salmon purchase, collected about 2.60 difference, found a gold (?) earing, some change.  Went to Atco Speedway, found an iPhone.  18 miles, suing about 900 Kcal.  Wt. 185?

Fri. Cloudy/cold (R)(8060 meters)(38:27)(455 Kcal)

12/6/19: Got up around 7AM, went to social security to personally deliver papers to their office in Executive campus.  Stripped beds, washed all sheets, made beds in 4th bedroom and master bedroom.  Took off blinds so ACRE could replace the sliding glass doors. Went downstairs to row, never got the time to go to St. Joe's for party.  Even made choc. chip cookies! Did 8060 meters in 38:27, doing the last 400 meters at sprint pace (above 800 Kcal/hr.). Used 455 Kcal

Wed. Misty/cold (Stairmaster)(24 min.)(295 Kcal)(flights 106)+(Treadmill)(3.6 mph)(1.70 miles)(28 min.)(325 Kcal)(wt. 185)

12?4/19: Got up 8AM. No breakfast. Went to gym, stairmaster, time 24 min. speed 8 flights 106, 1680 steps, 295 Kcal, max hr 1153.+Treadmill speed 3.6 mph, incline 9, kcal 325, dist. 1.7 miles, time 28 min.  max hr 123.  Total Kcal=620 Wt. 185

Mon.Cloudy/rain/snow (S)(1.25 miles)(46 min.)(500 Kcal)(Wt. 188!)

12/2/19: Aside from Thanksgiving and Grand daughter visiting over weekend, was not feeling to well.  Lots of chest palpitation/dizzy spells and legs rubbery when wlking up steps, out of breathe.  Might have been over-exercising or fighting off an infection/ reaction to flu shot/pneumococcal vaccine? Did 90 lengths, about 1.25 miles in 46 min, using 500 Kcal.  Wt. bounced to 188, ugh.