
Showing posts from February, 2019

Wed. Cloudy/cold (Woodworking)(2 hrs.)(200 Kcal)+ (Stairmaster)(Level 7)(250 Kcal)(22 min.)(Steps 1425)(Floors 88)+(Stationary Bike)(Level 12)(43 min.)(10 miles)(380 Kcal)(Wt. 186)

2/27/19: Got up aroun 8AM. Waited for cleaners, showed 10 AM. Worked on ring toss project for mKor. 2 hrs. 200 kcal.  Then went to gym and did stairmaster for 22 min, level 7, steps 1425, floors 88, using 250 Kcal. Then did stationary bike, level 12, 43 min. 10 miles, 380 Kcal.  Total Kcal=830. Wt. 186

Mon.Sunny/very windy cold (S)(1.25miles+)(43:38)(500 Kcal)+(water areobics)(10 min.)(Wt. 186!!!)

2/25/19: Got up around 9AM.  Did not sleep soundly, weird dreams! Dropped off stuff to Red White Blue donation, then went to Bear Paddles, no one there.  Went to Gym, did 90 lengths, about 1.25 miles+ in 43:38....good time!  500 Kcal, started doing water aerobics, got through the leg circle but cramped up on the front and back kicks.  Stopped. weight 186!!!

Sat. Cloudy/Cold (Treadmill)(6.5 incline)(3.2 MPH)(50 min.)(2.6 miles)(570 Kcal/using 2X5lb hand weights)+(S)(.25 miles)(9:54)(100 Kcal)(Wt. 189)

2/23/19: Got up around 7AM. Went to gym later in the day  to swim, at around 2PM but there was a swim team that had arrived about 20 min. before?  What the hell?  I changed exercises to treadmill.  2.6 miles, 50 min,  468 Kcal but I was curling 2 five lbs. hand weights for 50 min. so I estimate 570 kcal, then went for a short swim, .25 miles+ (20 lengths.) using about 100 Kcal. Total Kcal=670 Kcal.  Wt. 189

Thurs. (B)(16.1Miles)(1:15)(750 Kcal)(Wt. 192)

2/21/19: Got up around 8AM, had breakfast and headed to Voorhees Pediatric Facility, volunteered for 2.5 hrs. and then got another TB skin test.  Came home, bundled up and did a "quick 16 miles in about 1:15, using about 750 Kcal.  Wt. 192

Wed. Snowy/cold (Shoeled snow/snow blower)(3 hrs)(900 Kcal(Wt. 192?)

2/20/19: Up around 7-8AM. Did a quick shovel of driveway, went out to check on possible job with Swim/Bear paddles.  No answer.  Called around 1:30PM left message for owner?mngr to call back...he did not call? Shoveled the driveway again.  Then waited for snow to stop completely.  Then got out big snow blower and did the round, my driveway, other people's driveway, etc.. 3 hrs. using about 900 Kcal. wt. 192?

Tues. Sunny/COLD! (Starimaster)(Level 7)(1400 steps)(87 Floors)(250 Kcal)+(Treadmill)(Incline 4.0)(3.2 MPH)(10 lb. weights)(44 min)(2.3 miles)(400 Kcal)+(S)(1/4 mile+)(10 min)(100 Kcal)(Wt. 189)

2/19/19: Got up around 8AM.  Delivered donated books to synagogue. Then donated 3 big boxes of books to Library.  Then went to gym.  Did 21 min on stair master, level 7 speed (out of 9), 250 kcal, 87 floors, steps 1400, 250 Kcal.  Then on treadmill for 44 min. at 3.2 mph,4 incline, 2.3 miles using about 400 Kcal, then a warm down swim, 10 min, 20 lengths, 1/4 + miles, 100 Kcal.  Total Kcal=750 Kcal. Wt. 189.

Sat. Sunny/Cold. (S)(1.25 miles+)(500 Kcal)(44:28)(Wt. 189)

2/16/19: Got up aroun 7AM.  Did not sleep well.  Between the uro-lift operation (Wed. Feb.13) and side effects and the prolapse barium test (Thurs. Feb. 14), I am a mess.  Bladder spasms make it painful to pass water and scat release is not well controlled.  Managed to do 90 lengths in the pool, but had to stop twice to go to the bathroom.  Not cool. Did 1.25 miles in 44:28, using about 500 Kcal.  Wt. 189

Mon.Snowy (Shoveled snow)(2.5 hrs.)(750 Kcal)(Wt. 189)

2/11/19: Got up around 7:30AM.  Bundled up to clear snow.  Got out BIG snow blower and multiple driveways and lots of side walks and drive bottoms for various neighbors. 2.5 hrs. of pushing the monster around, ran out of gas and had to push the sucker home to refill.  Did about 2.5 hrs. of that and actual shoveling for the areas of steps and packed ice on driveway. Used about 750 Kcal.  Wt. 189.

Sunday Sunny/COLD (Cleaned out Laundry Room)(4 hrs.)(800 Kcal)(wt. 189)

2/10/19: Got up around 7:30 AM. Had cereal for breakfast. Decided to clean out laundry room, including cleaning the floor. Made two sets of shelves on back porch for filter room and a shelf above box refrig. in laundry room. 4 hrs. using about 800 kCal. walked about 2 miles according to Garmin. Used about 800 Kcal. Wt. 189

Sat. Sunny/cold! (S)(1.25 miles)(44:03)+(Water aerobics)(20 min.)(650Kcl)(Wt. 187!)

2/9/19: Got up 7:30AM. Cleaned the steps and vacuumed a lot of the basement. Went to gym, swam for 44:03 (good time!), 1.25 miles, then did water aerobics for 20 min.  Total Kcal=650.  Wt. 187!

Thurs. Cloudy/Cold. (R)(48:50)(10,022 meters)(557Kcal)

2/7/19: Got up aroun7:30AM.  Went to Red Whit Blue to drop off filing cabinet and clothes, went to Vorhees Pediatric Center and volunteered for 2 hrs. Went to Eye Dr. to check out "mote" that is interferring in my vision.  Dr. SAID it was floating proteins that congeal with age.  Check to see if there were any holes in retina or retina was torn from back of eye.  Nothing of the sort.  No treatment for "floaters".  Just have to get used to it. Then went to Bear Paddles interview for part-time job as swim instructor. Then home, went to basement and did rowing machine for 48:50, going 10,022 meters using about 557 Kcal.

Wed. Cloudy/Cold. (Cleaned out basement closet)(2 hrs.)+(Walked)(2 miles)(400 Kcal)

2/6/19: Got up around 8AM and went to gym for an informational meeting. Walked around Echelon mall, then went to lunch with MKor Shalom friends.  Came home and Cleaned out cedar closet. Packed all boxes of clothes to be donated on Thurs.brought them upstairs to be donated. Vacuumed all of downstairs except the pottery room.  Used about 400 Kcal.

Tues.Sunny almost WARM.(60's) (B)(17.25 miles)(1:20)(900 Kcal)(Wt. 190)

2/5/19: Got up around 8AM.  Heard it was going to be nice out. Set up helmet camera and went for a short ride.  Great being retired.  Go out and bike when the weather permits.  Great ride. Went 17.25 miles in about 1:20 using about 900 Kcal.

Mon.Sunny/Warmed up by Noon (Stairmaster)(Level 7)(87 floors)(21 min)(255 Kcal)(1400 steps)+(Treadmill)(3.4 MPH)(50 min.)(Incline max 15)(670 Kcal)(2.65 miles)(Wt. 189)

2/4/19: Got up around 8AM. Went to gym to do stairmaster, 21 min at level 7, 1400 steps, 87 floors, 255 Kcal, then moved over to treadmill, 3.4 MPH50 min, 2.65 miles with incline maxed out at 15.  Total Kcal=925, wt. 189.

Sun.Sunny/warming up (Cleaned basement)(6 hrs.)(1200 Kcal)

2/3/19: Got up 8AM.  Went down to basement to clean and arrange office.  6 hrs.  using about 1200 Kcal

Sat. Sunny/COLD (shoveled snow)(cleaned out closets)(2 hrs.)(400 Kcal)+(S)(1.2545:32)(500 Kcal)(Wt. 191)

2/2/19: Got up around 8AM, Looked out at driveway - had a coating of snow, so I shoveled it off, did steps ans sidewalks, salted steps and top part of driveway. Helped clean out bathroom closet and donated stuff to Red White Blue. (400 Kcal) 2hrs. Then went to gym and did 90 length, 1.25 miles in 45:32 using about 500 Kcal.  Wt. 191

Fri.Snow/cold (cleaned out basement)(shoveled snow)(6 hrs.)(1500 Kcal)

2/1/19: Got up around 8AM and decided to finish cleaning out basement.  While I was cleaning, etc... collected some stuff for donation to synagogue. Took off 2" of snow off driveway and sidewalk, salted driveway and steps to house. Dropped off donation and came home and finished cleaning out garage, 6 hrs. using about 1500 Kcal.