
Showing posts from December, 2021

Sun.Sunny/Cold (Enh.Str./calis.)(1:26)(550 Kcal)(Wt. 184)

 12/26/21: Woke 8:30, made beds. Enhanced stretching and enhanced calisthenics, 1:26, using about 550 Kcal.  Wt. 184.

Sat.Cloudy/rainy 50s (Enh.Str./Calis.+Enh. Wts.)(1:53)(950 Kcal)(Wt. 185)+(Walk)(4.25 miles)(1:30)(500 Kcal)

12/25/21: Woke 9:30, briefly made beds for exercise. Enhanced stretching and calisthenics plus enhanced weights, 1:53, using about 950 Kcal.  Weight 185. Stripped beds, washed sheets, made beds again. Went out for sushi with Re/Br, ate too much last night. Decided to take a walk even though there was rain threatening.  Walked to Shop Rite and back, along the way found 97 cents. 4.25 miles in about 1:30 using about 500 Kcal. Took shower, made beds.

Fri.Sunny/Cold X-Mas eve (Enh.Str./Calis.)(1:1:23)(550 Kcal)(Wt. 185)+(B)(17.18 miles)(1:30)(850 Kcal)

 12/24/21: Woke 8:30, made beds. Enhanced stretches and calisthenics for 1:23, using about 550 Kcal.  Wt. 185. Plus 17.118 miles, 850 Kcal, about 1:30.  Wt after ride, 183.

Thurs. Sunny/COLD (Enh.Str./calis.+Enh. Wts.)(1:57!)(1000 Kcal)(Wt. 183)

 12/23/21: Woke 8 AM, heard trash trucks.  Made beds. Enhanced stretching and enhanced calisthenics plus enhanced weights, 1:57, using 1000 Kcal.  Wt. 183.

Wed. Sunny/COLD. (Enh.str./calis.)(1:29)(600 Kcal)(Wt. 184)+(1 hr.)(raking leaves/switching sprinkler heads)(400 Kcal)

 12/22/21: Woke 8:20, made beds.  Enhanced stretching and calisthenics.  Took longer than ever before! 1:29!, using 600 Kcal.  Weight 184. Plus 1 hr. raking leaves and switching sprinkler heads. 400 Kcal.

Tues. Somewhat cloudy/COLD! (Enh.Str./Calis.+Enh.Wts.)(1:54)(950 Kcal)(Wt. 184)

 12/21/21: Woke 8AM, slept in middle bedroom so I could read a bit more. Made bed. Enhanced stretch/calisthenics, plus enhanced weights, 1:54, using 950 Kcal.  Wt. 184.

Mon.Sunny/COLD! (Enh.Str./Calis.)(1:27)(Wt. 183)

 12/20/21: Woke 8AM, made beds.  Enhanced stretching and calisthenics, 1:27 using 550 Kcal.  Weight 183.

Sun.Cloudy Cold. Enh. Str/calis.+Enh. wts.)(1:49)(950 Kcal)(Wt. 182)

 12/19/21: Woke 7:30, made beds. Enhanced stretches and enhanced calisthenics, plus enhanced weights, 1:49, using 950 Kcal.  Weight 182.

Sat. Cloudy/cool/high 50s (Enh.stretch+calis.)(1:20)(550 Kcal)(Wt. 184)

 12/18/21: Woke 9AM, made beds just so I could exercise, stretch/calisthenics for 1:20, using 550 Kcal.  Stripped beds, washed sheets and towels.  Wt. 184.

Fri. Sunny/60s?low (Enh.Str./Calis.+Enh.Wts.)(1:50)(950 Kcal)(Wt. 183)+(3 hrs. S. Jersey Food bank/moving diaper boxes)(1200 Kcal)+(1 hr. cutting weeds in front yard)(400 Kcal)

 12/17/21: Woke 8:30, made beds.  Brother's b-day. 71. Enhanced stretches and enhanced calisthenics, plus enhanced weights (high weights on some exercises). 1:50 using about 950 Kcal. Wt. 183. Plus 3 hours moving diaper boxes at S. Jersey Food bank, 1200 Kcal, plus 1 hr. raking leaves, cutting weeds in front yard...400 Kcal.

Thurs. Sunn/60s (Enh.Str./Calis.)(1 hr.)(500 Kcal)(Wt. 184)

 12/16/21: Woke 8AM, made beds, dis stretching and calisthenics for 1 hour.  Used about 500 Kcal, weight 184.

Wed. Sunny/50-60s (Enh.Str/Calis.+Enh. Wts.)(1:47)(900 Kcal)(Wt. 184)+(Rake leaves, back deck and side of house)(1:05)(400 Kcal.)

 12/15/21: Woke 8AM, made beds. Enhanced stretch and calisthenics plus enhanced weights, 1:47 using about 900 Kcal.  Weight 184.+ Raked leaves off back deck, and side of house. 1:5 using about 400 Kcal.  Slightly over did the exercise, pain in upper back, took 800 mg of ibuprofen. Was able to sleep through the night- not even having to go to bathroom!

Tues. Sunny/cold (Enh.Str/Calis)(1:20)(550 Kcal)(Wt. 184)

 12/14/21: Woke 8:20, made beds. Very weird dreams. Enhanced stretching and calisthenics, 1:20, using 550 Kcal.  Weight 184.

Mon. Sunny/cold (Enh. Str./calis+enh. wts.)(1:42)(900 Kcal)(Wt. 184)

12/13/21: Woke 8AM, made beds.  Enhanced stretching and calisthenics plus enhanced weights. 1:42, weight 184.

Sun.Sunny/cold (Enh. Stretch/calis.)(1:21)(550 Kcal)(Wt. 184)

 12/12/21: Woke 8:45, made beds. Enhanced Stretching and calisthenics. 1:21, using 550 Kcal, weight 184. 

Sat. Cloudy/rainy supposed to hit 70 degrees! (Enh.Str.+Enh.Wts.)(1:47)(900 Kcal)(Wt. 183)

 12/11/21: Woke 8:15, straightened beds for exercise only.  Later stripped beds, washed sheets and made beds.  Enhanced stretches/calisthenics and enhanced weights- routine interrupted by cremation guy coming, gave his talk and left.  Returned to my exercises, took shower and will wash sheets, etc... Time 1:47 for exercises using 900 Kcal

Fri. Sun/clouds/cold (enh. stretch)(1:16)(500 Kcal)(Wt. 183)+COVID test negative

 12/10/21: Woke 8:20, made beds.  Enhanced stretching/calisthenics. 1:16, using about 500 Kcal. Person was supposed to come to talk about cremation at 10 AM, waited till 11 AM, no show, no phone call. Finished my exercises and took shower. Heard from son that grand daughter tested positive for COVID so wife and myself had to get tested.  We were both negative.  Went shopping at BJs.

Thurs. Sunny/COLD (rained last night?)(Enh.Str.+Enh.Wts.)(1:45)(900 Kcal)(Wt. 183)

 12/9/21: Woke 7 AM, made beds, changed to down comforter. Enhanced stretch plus enhanced weights, 1:45, using about 900 Kcal.  Wt. 183.

Wed.Cloudy/snow? dreary/Cold! (Enh. Str.)(1:06)(550 Kcal)(Wt. 183)

 12/8/21: Woke 7:45, made beds, slept in middle bedroom. Wanted to read and wife was already in bed lights out. So I slept in other room. Did enhanced stretching, 1:06 using 550 Kcal, weight 183.

Tues. Sunny/COLD!30s (Enh.Str.+Enh.Wts.)(1:53)(950 Kcal)(Wt.183)

 12/7/21: Woke 8:30, made beds. Enhanced stretching/Cali. plus enhanced weights, 1:53, using about 950 Kcal. Weight, 183.

Mon.Cloudy/Cold/rain later?(60s?)(Enhanced Stretch)(1 hr.)(500 Kcal)(Wt. 183)

 12/6/21: Woke 7:10 made beds.  Enhanced stretching. 1 hr using about 500 Kcal Wt. 183

Sun. Sunny/COLD (Enh.Str.+Enh.wts)(1:45)(900 Kcal)(Wt. 182)+(Stripped beds/washed/made beds)

 12/5/21: Woke 7AM/actually got out of bed 7:30. Enhanced stretches/calisthenics plus enhanced weights, 1:45 using 900 Kcal.  Weight 182. Plus stripped beds, washed sheets, made beds.

Sat. Cloudy/cool/cold (No stretch)(Walking 2miles)(300 Kcal)(Wt. 183)

 12/4/21: Woke 830. Made beds, no stretch, taking a day off, will probably walk 2 miles using 300 Kcal.  Wt. 183. Clean out trunk.

Fri.Sunny/Cold. (Enh.Str.+Enh. Wts.)(1:45)(900 Kcal)(Wt. 182)+(Boxes/apples)(3 hrs.)(900 Kcal)

12/3/21: Got up 8AM, made beds. Enhanced stretches plus enhanced Weights, 1:45, using about 900 Kcal.  Weight 182. Volunteered at So. Jersey food bank with "Tom" again. Three hours, using 900 Kcal.  Unpacking 2 skids of boxes, opening them, taking out rice and macaroni and cheese boxes, resealing them, then packing apples. Pretty good 3 hr. work out. 900 Kcal.

Thurs. Sun/60s? (Enh.Stretch)(1:17)(550 Kcal)(Wt. 184)+(B)(17.56 miles)(1:30)(880 Kcal)

 11/2/21: Woke 8:30, made beds. Slept in other room because I wanted to read and wife was already in bed with lights out. Did enhanced stretches, 1:17, using about 550 Kcal.  Weight, 184...Yesterday, went to Harold's Deli, exit 10 on turnpike with 5 other MKor Shalom people. Ate corned beef, pastrami, and onion rings/french fries. Ugh. Oh well, only rarely do I indulge.  Was going to volunteer at So. Jersey Food Bank, but it was cancelled? Set to volunteer tomorrow.  Might make cookies today, we shall see. Plus bike 17.56 miles in 1:30 using 880 Kcal.

Wed. Sunny/cold (enh.str.+enh.wts.)(1:48)(950 Kcal)(Wt. 182)

 12/1/21: Woke 7AM, made beds, enhanced stretch plus enhanced weights, 1:48, using about 950 Kcal. Weight 182.

Tues.Sunny/snow flurries? (brief str.)(37 min.)(300 Kcal)(Wt. 184*)+(Swim)(1 mile)(38 min)(400 Kcal)-jury duty

11/30/21: Woke 7AM, made beds. brief str. 37 min, weight on scale at gym (Rorher), 184. Swam 1 mile/64 lengths, 38 min, using about 400 Kcal. Reason for brief stretch, had "ZOOM" jury duty and was supposed to be on Zoom by 8AM.  Got on zoom by about 8:40, was registered and excused because case was settled.

Mon. Sunny/cold (enh.str.+enh.wts.)(1:50)(950 Kcal)(Wt. 183)

 11/29/21: Woke 7:35, made beds, enh. str. plus enhanced wts., 1:50 using 950 Kcal.  Weight is 183.

Sun.Cloudy/cold (Raked leaves)(1:40)(600 Kcal)(184)

 11/28/21: Woke7AM, made beds.  Grand daughter/daughter in law, son leave for home.  I raked leaves for 1:40 using about 600 Kcal.  Wt. 184.

Sat. Sunny/COLD. (Enh. str.)(1:22)(550Kcal)(Wt.183)

11/27/21: Woke 8:10, stripped beds, washed sheets, etc. made beds. Enh. str. 1:22, using 550 Kcal  Weight 183.

Fri. Cloudy/rain? (enh. str.+enh.Wts.)(1:48)(900 Kcal)(Wt. 183)

11/27/21: Woke 9am. Made beds. Enhanced stretch + enhanced wts., using about 900 Kcal. Weight 183.  Went shopping with Daughter in law, wife and grand daughter. 

Thurs. Cloudy/cool (T-Day)(Enh.str..)(1:20)(900 Kcal)+(Walking)(2 miles)(with granddaughter/playground)(182)

 11/25/21: Woke 8AM, made beds, enh. str.  1:20, using about 500 Kcal. Went to daughter/in-laws Overland's place for T-Day.  Took grand daughter to local playground. walked about 2 miles. Ate Turkey day stuff. Wt. 182.