2/28/24: Woke 9AM, slept terrible, Woke to go to bathroom 4X. Did moderate to enhanced stretching and moderate to enhanced calisthenics, 1:30 using about 800 Kcal, weight 189.
2/27/24: Woke 8:30, made beds. Weather looked great, 60s. Decided to bike because the sun was out and looked nice. Over dressed for the ride...had too many layers! Biked 17.13 miles (to Atco speedway area...nothing there!, and back. Took about 1:35 using about 850 Kcal, weight 190.
2/26/24: Woke 7:45, made beds. Did moderate to enhance3d stretching and moderate to enhanced calisthenics, 1:31 using about 800 Kcal, weight 191. Later used "whip" found in shed, to chop up weeds and old growth, 45 minutes using about 400 Kcal.
2/25/24: Woke 9 AM. Terrible sleeping. Decided to do rowing today. 42 minutes, 8264 meters using about 445 kcal. Weight 189. Made beds, unpacked printer and did mini-setup.
2/24/24: Woke 7:56, stripped beds, washed sheets towels, made beds. Also Replaced air filter for air conditioner/heater, replaced both water filters for whole house, flushed water heater, cleaned out lint vent for dryer. Did moderate to enhanced stretching and moderate to enhanced calisthenics, 1:31 using about 800 Kcal, weight 189.
2/23/24: Woke 7:52, made beds, did moderate to enhanced stretching and moderate to enhanced calisthenics, 1:31, using about 800 Kcal, weight 187. Some dusting, treated leather in car and family room seats with "leather Care" product.
2/22/24: Woke 7:46, made beds. Did moderate to enhanced stretching and moderate to enhanced calisthenics, added free weights. 1:48 using about 1000 Kcal. Weight 189.
2/21/24: Woke 7:30, made beds, collected trash and put all trash out. Did moderate to enhanced stretching and moderate to enhanced calisthenics, 1:30 using about 800 Kcal, weight 191. Did a blood transport at Lenola Fire House in Moorestown.
2/19/24: Woke 7:30 made beds, Presidents day. Did moderate to enhanced stretching and moderate to enhanced calisthenics, 1:29 using about 800 Kcal, weight 191. Picked up blood from Hospital blood drive, delivered to Phila.
2/18/24: Woke 7:36, made beds. Did moderate to enhanced stretching and moderate to enhanced calisthenics, plus moderate free weights. 1:41, using about 900 Kcal. Weight 189.
2/17/24: Woke 8AM, stripped beds/washed sheets and towels, made beds. Did moderate to enhanced stretching and moderate to enhanced calisthenics, 1:30, using about 800 Kcal, weight 189. Also shoveled part of driveway that did not melt+front steps. About 15 min. using about 100 Kcal.
2/16/24: Woke 4:40 Made beds. Did moderate to enhanced stretching and moderate to enhanced calisthenics, 1:25, using about 800 Kcal, weight 190. Helped Alex/Marcia with repairs around their house, 3 hrs., 300 Kcal.
2/14/24: Woke 6:40, made beds, vacuumed, upper floor and lower floor. Did moderate to enhanced stretching, moderate to enhanced calisthenics, 1:25, weight 190, 800 Kcal. Did 2 runs of blood transport for Red Cross. Put out garbage.
2/13/24: Woke 9AM, made beds. Did moderate to enhanced stretching and moderate to enhanced calisthenics (1:34) 850 kcal, includes 20X curls/25 lbs each hand, 20X hammer/25 lbs each hand, 15X standing butterfly/10 lbs each hand, 40 "punches" each hand (10 lb each hand). Weight 191
2/12/24: Woke 9AM, made beds. Did moderate to enhanced stretching and moderate to enhanced calisthenics, 1:29, using about 800 Kcal., Weight 191. Got haircut, went to Virtua to get my Dr. to order script for MRI with contrast for Rt. upper chest, then went to library to get an audio book, later went to Staples to buy new printer, since I investigated the concept of getting old one fixed, cost too much.
2/10/24: Woke 9AM, did not sleep well at all. Did moderate to enhanced stretching and moderate to enhanced calisthenics, 1:22, using about 800 Kcal Stripped beds, washed sheets and towels made beds. Weight 189.
2/9/24: Woke 8AM, made beds. Did moderate to enhanced stretching and moderate to enhanced calisthenics, plus 20 X each arm 25lb. curls and 20 X each are 25 lb. hammer exercises. 1:30 using about 850 Kcal. Weight 189
2/8/24: Woke 8AM, made beds. Did moderate to enhanced stretching and moderate to enhanced calisthenics, 1:26 using about 800 Kcal, weight 189. Blood pick up at 3PM.
2/7/24: Woke 7AM made beds. Did moderate to enhanced stretching and moderate to enhanced calisthenics, 1:22, using about 800 Kcal, weight 190. Luncheon with Kol Ami retirees.
2/3/24: Woke 8:35, stripped beds, washed sheets and towels, made beds. Did moderate to enhanced stretching and moderate to enhanced calisthenics, 1:23, using about 800 Kcal, weight 191. Took yesterday off because I gave blood Feb. 1 - double reds.
2/1/24: Woke 7:14, made beds. Did moderate to enhanced stretching and moderate to enhanced calisthenics, 1:27, 800 Kcal, weight 190. Gave power reds to Red Cross.