
Showing posts from November, 2020

Sunday. Sunny/cool/cold (Cleaned needles off roof)(2 hrs.) (600 Kcal)

 11/29/20: Got up around 7:30.  Family heading back to Hoboken. Decided to use  battery powered blower to clean of needles off roof. Climbing ladders and carefully getting to within air pressure range of needles laying on top of gutters.  About 2 hrs, using about 600 Kcal.

Sat. Suny/cold (Walked with grand daughter and installed new fan in middle bedroom)(2 hrs.)(500 Kcal) (Wt. 191)

 11/28/20: Woke around 7:40. Walked with Grand daughter around block, 1/2 mile with her on my shoulders, replaced ceiling fan/light in middle bedroom.  About 3 hrs. using 500 Kcal.  Wt. 191.  Discovered leak in hot water heater.  Shut off water to it and put towels around it, fan and dehumidifier put in service down there. Called GPS for Monday service.

Fri.Sunny/cool/cold (Bar exercises with daughter in law)(46 min)(500 Kcal)(192)

 11/27/20: up 7:30.  Stripped beds, washed, made beds. Did "BAR" exercises with daughter in law, 46 min, using about 500 Kcal. Walked about 1 miles with grand daughter.  wt. 192.

Thurs.Cloudy/rainy/60s (Morning exercises)(49 min)(527 Kcal)(Wt. 189!barely)

 11/26/20: Woke 7:20 (P/S).  Made beds, did morning exercises enhanced X3.  Weight 189!

Wed. Sunny, 50s (Morning exercises)(17 min. 200 Kcal)+(Walking with grand daughter)(3 miles)(Wt. 192)

 11/25/20: Grand daughter visiting. Morning exercises, 17 min, 200 Kcal+ walking grand daughter around block 2X and into retention basin and woods. 400 Kcal.  Wt. 192

Tues. Sunny, COLD 40's (Morning exercises enhanced X3)(43.5 min)(475 Kcal)(Wt. 192)

 11/24/20: Got up 7:30 (Piss/scat).  Made beds, did morning exercises, 43.5 min, using about 475 Kcal.  Wt. 192.

Monday, Cloudy/rain/50s (Morning exercises enhanced X3)(43 min)(500 Kcal)(Wt. 193?)

 11/23/20: Got up 8:30. Made beds, did morning exercises, enhanced X3 (no exercises Sunday, took break). 43 min. using 500 Kcal.  Wt. 193

Sat.Sunny,high 60s low 70s. Raked leaves for 3 hrs.)(2600 Kcal)(Wt. 190)

 11/21/20: Got up 7:30. Made beds, raked leaves for 3 hrs.  Weather was in low 70s! Used about 2600 Kcal.  Wt. 190.

Friday Sunny/Cool 60s (Morning exercises enhanced X2)(32 min.)(330 Kcal)+(B)(17.4 miles)(1:20)(870 Kcal)(Wt. 191)

 11/20/20: Woke 7:50. Stripped beds and washed sheets, made beds.  Did morning exercises, enhanced X2, 32 min, using about 330 Kcal.  Changed, went biking, 17.4 miles in about 1:20, using about 870 Kcal.   Wt. 191.

Thurs.Some sun/clouds/COLD! (Morning exercises enahnced X3)(50 min)(512 Kcal)(Wt. 191)

 11/19/20: Got up 7:15, made beds and did morning exercises, enhanced X 3. 50 min. using about 512 kcal.  Wt. 191.  Still a little twinge of pain in the lower right back.

Wed. Sunny/Cold (Morning exercises enhancedX2)(35:42)(420 Kcal)(wt.192)

 11/18/20: Got up 7:45. Made beds, morning exercises enhanced X2. 35:42 using 420 Kcal, wt. 192

Tues. Sunny/COLD (Morning exercises)(15 min.)+(Rowing)(45 min)(Total 650 Kcal)(Wt. 189)

 11/17/20: Got up 7AM. U+S.  Made beds, did basic morning exercises, about 15 min, then went to basement for 45 min rowing.  8027 meters.  Used about 650 Kcal Wt. 189

Monday Sunny/COLD (Morning exercises enhanced X3)(46 min)(510 Kcal)(Wt. 191)

 11/16/20: Woke 8AM, Scat. Made beds did morning exercises enhanced X3. 46 min using 510 Kcal.  Wt. 191

Sat. Sunny/cold! (Morning exercises enhanced X2)(22 min.)(281 Kcal)+(B)(17.4 miles)(1:30)(870 Kcal)

 11/14/20: Got up 8:20, did morning exercises, enhanced X2, using 281 Kcal, had eggs and spinach, bundled up and went for "short" bike ride. 17.4 miles in 1:30, using 870 Kcal.

Fri.Rainy COLD (Morning Exercises enhanced X3)(51 min.)(570 Kcal)(Wt. 190

 11/13/20: Friday 13th! Woke 8:05 P+Scat. Stripped beds and did morning exercises enahnced X3, 51 min, using about 570 Kcal  Wt. 190.

Thurs.Cloudy rainy/warmer (Morning exercises enhanced X3)(45 min.)(550 Kcal)(Wt. 193)

 11/12/20: woke 7:20, made beds, did morning exercises, enhanced X3. 45 min, using 550 Kcal.  Wt. 193

Tues. Sunny/70s (Raking leaves and woodworking)(1:15)(785 Kcal)(Wt. 190)

 11/10/20: Up at 7:20, decided late in day to push leaves to curb and finish menorah. 1:15 of raking and woodworking. 785 Kcal. 

Monday.SUNNY 70s high (50 push ups)+(B)(32.03 miles)(2:38)(1600 Kcal)(Wt. 189)

 11/9/20: Woke around 7:20.  Did 50 push ups and put on enough kit to keep warm.  Managed 32 miles in about 2:38.  Had a flat around 20 miles, took almost 1 hr. to fix it! grrrr. Used about 1600 Kcal.  Wt. 189

Sunday Sunny/60-70s (Morning exercises, enhanced X3)(40 min)(480 Kcal)(Wt. 190)

 11/8/20: Biden declared president elect yesterday, celebrates with a visit from daughter and daughter in law to be and a gin and tonic. Woke around 7:10 AM made beds, did morning exercises enhanced X3, still a twinge back pain.  40 min. using 480 Kcal, wt. 190

Saturday sunny 60-70s (Morning exercises enhanced X2)(35 min)(417 Kcal)(Wt. 190)

 11/7/20: Biden STILL not officially declared winner, but he is ahead in Ariz, Pa, Nevada, and Georgia.  Got up 7AM-lounged in bed till 7:30, Rt. back still hurting a little.  Made beds, did morning exercises enhanced X2, 35 min, 417 Kcal.  Wt. 190

Fri. Sunny/little clouds/60-70s (Morning exercises enhanced X2)(32 min)(375 Kca)(Wt. 191)+(Woodworking)(3 hrs.)(2300 Kcal)(Wt. 190)

 11/6/20: Woke at 8:20 turned on TV and Biden is ahead in Pennsylvania by 5,000 votes! Good sign. Stripped beds, did morning exercises enhanced X2, 32 min using about 375 Kcal. Lower right back still hurts a little. Wt. 191. Decided to try and get some work done on the menorah for mkor.  3 hrs. using 2300 Kcal.  New Wt. 190.

Thurs.Sunny/high 60s (Lawn work/leaves/gardening)(1:35)(1200 Kcal)

 11/5/20: Woke 7AM, back has a twinge of pain left. Made beds and decided to mow lawn and get rid of leaves and needles, clear out brush beneath mailbox. 1:35 using about 1200 Kcal

Wed. Sunny/cool 60s (Morning exercises enhanced X2)(34 min)(330 Kcal)(Wt. 194)+(B)(17.34 miles)(1:30)(865 Kcal)

 11/4/20: Got up around 8:15.  Made beds and did morning exercises enhanced X2.  Wt. 194 Plus, nice day, went out and did 17.34 miles in about 1:30 hours using 865 Kcal.

Tues. Sunny/Cold/cool election day (Morning exercises enhanced X2)(23 min)(300 Kcal)

 11/3/20: Election Day! Trump is OUT! Up at 7:30, made beds, did morning exercises enhanced X2. 23 min, using about 300 Kcal.

Monday (Sunny/COLD)(Morning exercises)(17 min.)(200 Kcal)

 11/2/20: Went to see son, daughter in law and grand daughter yesterday. Got up around 7:15.  Made beds, did morning exercises. (Scat -) 17 min, using about 200 Kcal.

Sun. Sun/COLD (Morning exercises enhanced X2)(22 min.)(300 Kcal)(193)

 11/1/20: Got up 8:15, made beds and did morning exercises enhanced X2, 22 min, 300 kcal, wt. 193 Still slight rt. back pain.