Tues.Rainy/cold (Stairmaster)(Floors 103)(23 min.)(285 Kcal)+(Treadmill)(3.6 mph)(Incline 9)(500 Kcal)(42 min.)(2.5 miles)(Wt. 186)

12/17/19:  Got up 9AM. Made phone calls to Shattershield/Layr to make appt. to coat sliding glass doors and called Met Life that an additional charge to the sliding glass door charge would be forthcoming.  Went to gym. Stairmaster, speed 8, time 23 min., steps 1640, floors 103, Kcal 285, max heart rate, 153.  Then Treadmill, 3.6 mph,incline 9, kcal 500, dist. 2.5 miles, time 42 min, max HR=111.  Total Kcal 785, wt. 186.


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