4/28/21: Woke 8AM, made beds, stretched plus enhanced weights, 60 min. 500 Kcal. Wt. 190. Take out trash and put trash by curb. Moved wood to the curb, about 40 min, 500 Kcal.
4/26/21: Woke 7:30. Made beds, stretched 23 min, went to volunteer at So. Jersey food bank, made a lot of boxes and cleaned up used boxes for 2 hrs, 400 Kcal, then came home and moved about 1/2 cord of wood from back to curb, 1.5 hrs, 900 Kcal. Wt. 192. Paid taxes and bought dark choc.
4/23/21: Woke 7:30, made beds, stretched + wts. 50 min. Wt. 193, after fattening lunch with MKor, went for a bike ride, found $2.12, and rode 17.34 miles in about 2 hrs. 850 Kcal
4/21/21: Got up 7:30. Made beds, stretched for 30 min, 200 Kcal. Went up To Hamilton School and then to luncheon with other retirees. Rained later in day. Went to Shop Rite for meat and fish. Wt. 193
4/20/21: Stayed up till 1:30. Finished making 2nd exam for Bio. class, sent. Got up around 7:30, made beds, stretched + wts. 53 min, 450 Kcal. Wt. 194?
4/18/21: Got up 8:15, stretched, 30 min. 300 Kcal. Then went for bike ride, hit monster traffic at ATCO high speedway. 25.4 miles using about 1500 Kcal. Found 45 cents. Wt. 191
4/14/21: Got up 7AM. Made beds, stretched 20 min, 200 Kcal. Wt. 192.+ moved raised garden 100 feet, shoveled dirt out of raised garden, moved the raised garden to new location, moved the wheel barrel of dirt to new location, covered with tarp to let the wood dry out. 40 min, 200 Kcal.
4/12/21: Up at 7:30, made beds, stretched for 30 min, then changed and did treadmill, 58:37, incline 5, speed 3.2 mph, distance 3.12 (5 Km). Total 1200 Kcal. Wt. 191
4/8/21: Got up 7:45. Made beds, stretched + wts. 50 min, 450 Kcal. Later decided to check on Strada bike being "tuned up", decided to go down 73 to Moorestown Mall and back to the bike shop (which is about 3.5 miles from my home). Had the speedometer/odometer changed out. Completed to 20+ mile bike ride in about 2 hrs, using about 1000 Kcal. Wt. 190.
4/6/21: Woke 8AM. Made beds, stretched, 35 min, 300 Kcal, wt. 191. After my zoom session, changed clothes and went for a 22 mile bike ride in about 1:30, using 1100 Kcal. Found $2.54
4/3/21: Woke 7AM, made beds, did very light stretching, 15 min. Turned on sprinkler system. 100 Kcal. Cleaned kitchen and bathrooms. 2 hrs. 600 Kcal. Wt. 192.+ 4hrs. of cleaning since cleaner did not do the work. (1000 Kcal)
4/3/21: Got up 7:30. Stripped, washed sheets, made beds. Stretched + Wts., 53 min, using about 450 Kcal. Later decided to do a bike ride with alternate bike, since other is in for tune-up. 18 miles, 1:30, using about 1000 Kcal. Wt. 192.
4/2/21: Good Friday. Up at 7:30. Stretched, 45 min, wt. 191. Dropped off bike for tune up, Went to BJs then Auto-lenders for tires-ordered them. Shopped at BJs.
4/1/21: Woke 7:30. Stretched + wts, 51 min, 400 Kcal. Drove to old school to drop off stuff for play, then to daughter's old place-helped her with some minor moving and trash disposal. Wt. 191