Tues. Sunny/COLD! (Starimaster)(Level 7)(1400 steps)(87 Floors)(250 Kcal)+(Treadmill)(Incline 4.0)(3.2 MPH)(10 lb. weights)(44 min)(2.3 miles)(400 Kcal)+(S)(1/4 mile+)(10 min)(100 Kcal)(Wt. 189)

2/19/19: Got up around 8AM.  Delivered donated books to synagogue. Then donated 3 big boxes of books to Library.  Then went to gym.  Did 21 min on stair master, level 7 speed (out of 9), 250 kcal, 87 floors, steps 1400, 250 Kcal.  Then on treadmill for 44 min. at 3.2 mph,4 incline, 2.3 miles using about 400 Kcal, then a warm down swim, 10 min, 20 lengths, 1/4 + miles, 100 Kcal.  Total Kcal=750 Kcal. Wt. 189.


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