Thurs. Cloudy/Cold. (R)(48:50)(10,022 meters)(557Kcal)

2/7/19: Got up aroun7:30AM.  Went to Red Whit Blue to drop off filing cabinet and clothes, went to Vorhees Pediatric Center and volunteered for 2 hrs. Went to Eye Dr. to check out "mote" that is interferring in my vision.  Dr. SAID it was floating proteins that congeal with age.  Check to see if there were any holes in retina or retina was torn from back of eye.  Nothing of the sort.  No treatment for "floaters".  Just have to get used to it. Then went to Bear Paddles interview for part-time job as swim instructor. Then home, went to basement and did rowing machine for 48:50, going 10,022 meters using about 557 Kcal.


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