Wed. Cloudy/cold (Woodworking)(2 hrs.)(200 Kcal)+ (Stairmaster)(Level 7)(250 Kcal)(22 min.)(Steps 1425)(Floors 88)+(Stationary Bike)(Level 12)(43 min.)(10 miles)(380 Kcal)(Wt. 186)
2/27/19: Got up aroun 8AM. Waited for cleaners, showed 10 AM. Worked on ring toss project for mKor. 2 hrs. 200 kcal. Then went to gym and did stairmaster for 22 min, level 7, steps 1425, floors 88, using 250 Kcal. Then did stationary bike, level 12, 43 min. 10 miles, 380 Kcal. Total Kcal=830. Wt. 186