
Showing posts from October, 2019

Wed. Rainy/cool (Stairmaster)(24 min.)(104 flights)(285 Kcal)(speed 8)+(Treadmill)(3.5 mpg)(42 min.)(450 Kcal)(incline 8)+(S)(10:32)(20 lengths)(100 Kcal)(Wt. 180)

10/30/19: Woke around 8:30AM. Carved pumpkin for Halloween, collected "meat" to make soup. Paid quarterly taxes, got gas and went to gym. Stairmaster, 24 min, speed 1 min at speed 10, 3 min at speed 9 and 16 min at speed 8. 1650 steps. flights 104, kcal 285, max heart rate 150.  Treadmill, speed 3.5 mph, incline 8, distance 2.4 miles, 450 Kcal, time 42 min. Swim, 20 lengths, little more than 1/4 mile 10:32, 100 Kcal.  Total Kcal=835 Kcal. Wt. 180

Mon.Some sun/cloudy cool later (Camden Garden)(2.5 hrs)+(B)(1.5 hrs.)(17 miles)(Tot. 1725 Kcal)

10/28/19: Got up around 8:30, changed and went to Camden Gardens to clean up the harvest beds.  2.5 hrs. using about 875 Kcal.  Came home and felt like a bike ride. 17 miles in about 1.5 hrs.  Total Kcal about 1725.

Sat. Cloudy Cool/cold/rain later (S)(1.25 miles+)(47:04)(500 Kcal)(Wt. 184)

10/26/19: Got up around 8:15.  Went to Ret's engagement ceremony with Brian. Came home, changed, went to gym and swam 90 lengths in 47:04, using 500 Kcal.  Wt. 184

Thurs. Sunny high 60s (R)(10,221)(50:08)(566 Kcal)

10/24/19: Got up around 8:15. Got ready for St. Joseph University. Got home, was going to ride bike, but 5PM and high 60's, might get dark, decided on rowing. 50:08, going 10,221 meters, using 566 Kcal.

Mon.Sunny/cool (B)(27.7 miles)(2.5 hrs.)(1385 Kcal)

10?21?19: Got up 8 AM. Went to Lincoln Holman Ford to get horn/airbags adjusted. 3 hrs. Got home and changed, rode to Rochester BS with Stan and wife for a bit and took Maple Ave. to 73 and then home.  27.7 miles in about 2.5 hrs, using 1385 kcal.

Sun.Raining/cold (Stairmaster)(24 min.)(450 Kcal)+(Treadmill)(Dist. 2.4 miles)(3.4 MPH)(450 Kcal)+(S)(1/4 mile+)(11:26)(100 Kcal)(Wt. 184)

10/20/19: Got up around 9AM, strange dreams is what I remember!  Baked Cinnamon walnut loaves. Then went to new gym. Stairmaster (different type), speed 16, floors 180, time 24 min., kcal 450. no "steps displayed.  Then treadmill, incline 8, speed, 3.4 mph, time 42 min, 450 Kcal, distance 2.4 miles. Decided to add swimming, 20 lengths, little more than 1/4 mile in 11:26, using 100 Kcal.  Total kcal=1000, wt. 184 (because of massive fries I had last night out at restaurant.

Fri.Sunny/cold (R)(10,038 meters)(565 Kcal)(48:06)(Wt. 184)

10/18/19: Got up around 8AM, Changed for St. Joseph's University, taking an extra class for a cohort. Not going to volunteer for that again! was exhausted after two days in a row. Came home, took a 40 min. nap and got psyched to doing rowing in the basement.  48:06, 565 Kcal, 10,038 meters, about 6.30 miles.  Wt. 184,

Wed. Cold/clouds/rain (S)(1 mile)(36:29)(390 Kcal)(Wt. 180)

10/16/19: Woke around 7AM. Went to Dr.s appt. They weighed me with clothes, 185. Checked me for excess mucus, gave me script for two nasal sprays and Zyrtec. Treatment seems to have made the condition worse instead of better.  Went to Echelon Fitness to check out their facilities.  Gave me a week pass and I swam there for 65 lengths, 1 mile in 36:29, using about 400 Kcal.  Wt. at that scale with no clothes, 180. Went to luch a iron hill brewery with Mkor people. Stopped at Auto Lenders to get another temp. Lic. plate, real one not in. Said another week.

Tues.Sunny Cool (W)(4 miles)(1.5 hrs.)(450 Kcal)

10/15/19: Woke around 7AM.  Waited for cleaners.  Left when cleaners done.  Went to Home Depot to return grass seed package for full refund, grass seed did not grow in two weeks! Tried taking train to St. Josephs University.  this did not go well.  Ended up doing a lot of walking to avoid getting on wrong trains.  Phila did not charge me anything!  Got reduced fares for PATCO. Walked about 4 miles, in about 1.5 hrs. using about 450 Kcal.

Mon.Sunny/cool/warm (Stairmaster)(103 flights)(23 min.)(285 Kcal)+(Treadmill)(2.5 miles)(incline 8)(3.4 mph)(42 min.)(445 Kcal)+(Boarded up back window)(1.5 hrs.)(500 Kcal)(Wt.179!)

10/14/19: Got up around 7:30AM.. Changed, went to gym.  Did Stairmaster, speed between 5 and 9 (9 for 13 min), 103 floors, 1652 steps, 23 min, 285 Kcal, Max Heart rate 150.  Then treadmill, incline 8, 42 min, 445 Kcal, dist. 2.5 miles, speed 3.4 mph, max. heart rate 138. Had to select plywood, cut plywood and fit plywood into window opening of back sliding glass door, 1.5 hrs, aboit 500 Kcal.  Total Kcal=1230 Kcal.  Wt. 179!

Sun.Cloudy/cool (Camden Garden)(2.5 hrs.)(1000 Kcal)(Wt. 183)

10/13/19: Woke around 7AM.  Changed to get ready to go to Camden Gardens to help clean up for Fall, pick what veggies are left and clear the gardens of tomato vines and weeds.  2.5 hrs, using about 1000 Kcal.  Wt. 183.

Fri.Cloudy cool/cold (B)(23.43 miles)(2 hrs.)(1172 Kcal)(Wt. 182)

10/11/19: Got up around 7AM.  Washed sheets, made beds, took to comforters to cleaners, be ready Tues. Went to Pennsauken to drop of not quite expired food, visited mom/dad grave, came home - changed into warm clothes, gave all books on CD to Big Brother/Big Sister, went out for bike ride, stopped at Auto Lenders, still no plates.  They did cut me a check to reimburse me for coding keys at dealer. Went down Rt. 70 toward Atlantic City.  Total mileage, 23.43 miles in about 2 hrs. used about 1172 kcal, wt. about 182.

Tues.Cloudy/cold/little sprinkles (S)(1.5 miles+)(56:05)(600 Kcal)(wt. 181)

10/8/19:  Got up before 7AM.  Talked to Lincoln/Ford at 73/38 and told them I was not happy with service.  They told me to come back and they would supply me with code for car. I went to gym 1st and swam 110 lengths, 2750 yards, 1.5 miles+, in 56:05 using about 600 Kcal.  Wt. 181.

Mon.(B)(24.4 miles)(1:45)(1220 Kcal)

10/7/19: Got up 5 AM, went back to sleep up again around 8AM. Tried to get Lic. plates for car, get bike speedometer fixed, get in exercise on bike, get new coding for car.  Frustrated on Lic. plates, had to pay for coding of key fobs, may or may not get reimbursed for coding, we shall see. Bikes 24.4 miles in about 1:45. using 1220 Kcal

Sun.CloudyCool/cold (Take down rain barrels)(2 hrs.)(600 Kcal)

10/6/19: Woke 7AM, decided to take down rain barrels and put hoses away.  Two hours using 600 Kcal.

Fri.Sunny/Cool! (Walk)(2.8 miles)(1 hr.)(300 Kcal)+(Stairmaster)22 min.)(100 flights)(275 Kcal)+(S)(20 lengths)(1/4+ miles)(10:41)(100 Kcal) (Wt. 180)

10/4/19: Got up 7AM. Busy DAY. Dropped car off at Auto Lenders to have mirror replaced and horn looked at.  They could not adjust the horn airbag, I have to go to Ford under their warranty.  Walked after I graded all the lab practicals from St. Joes.  Walked 2.8 miles in about 1 hr, using about 300 Kcal, then went to gym and did stairmaster for 22 min.  First 14 min at 9 speed, 3 min of 8 speed and balance at 5 speed. 100 floors, 1600 steps, 275 Kcal. Then went to pool and did 1/4+miles (20 laps, 100 Kcal.  Wt. 180

Wed.Some sun/hot humid/clouds (B)(12.06 miles)(45 min)(610 Kcal)

10/2/19: Got up around 7AM. Heard a loud bang downstairs, discovered back patio windon in sliding glass door fixture shattered.  Spent the next few hours calling insurance and finding a contractor that would replace same. Chelsea/Helen Fri. 4PM 610-427 5149.  Went to Short Hills for monthly lunch, decided to ride "other" bike.  Total ride, 12.06 miles, in about 45 min, using about 610 Kcal.

Tues.Cloudy/cool (Gardening)( 2.5 hrs.)(750 Kcal) (Wt. 185)

10/1/19: Got up aroun 7:30.  Waited for cleaners. Worked on bring garden down, cutting vegetation. 2.5 hrs, 750 Kcal, wt. 185