Fri.Sunny/Cool! (Walk)(2.8 miles)(1 hr.)(300 Kcal)+(Stairmaster)22 min.)(100 flights)(275 Kcal)+(S)(20 lengths)(1/4+ miles)(10:41)(100 Kcal) (Wt. 180)
10/4/19: Got up 7AM. Busy DAY. Dropped car off at Auto Lenders to have mirror replaced and horn looked at. They could not adjust the horn airbag, I have to go to Ford under their warranty. Walked after I graded all the lab practicals from St. Joes. Walked 2.8 miles in about 1 hr, using about 300 Kcal, then went to gym and did stairmaster for 22 min. First 14 min at 9 speed, 3 min of 8 speed and balance at 5 speed. 100 floors, 1600 steps, 275 Kcal. Then went to pool and did 1/4+miles (20 laps, 100 Kcal. Wt. 180
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