Fri.Sunny/Hot/rain late (Mod.Enh.Str.+/Mod.Enh.Calis+)(1:44)(850 Kcal)(Wt. 184)+(B)(1:50)(18.6 miles)(925 Kcal)+(Garden edging)(1 hr.)(600 Kcal)

6/2/23: Woke 6:47, made beds. Did moderate to enhanced stretching PLUS, and moderate to enhanced calisthenics PLUS, 1:44, using about 850 Kcal. Scrubbed shower floor with baking soda/tried to clean glass with baking soda. Went to "get my free donut from Dunkin, but you had to buy something -so I passed and did a circuitous biking home, 18.6 miles, using about 925 Kcal. Since I was sweaty, I decided to finish putting in edging in front lawn, 1 hr, 600 Kcal. Weight 184.


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