Wed. Sunny/Frost on roof.50s later. (Mod.Enh.Str./Mod.Enh.Calis.)(1:31)(750 Kcal)(Wt. 184)+(B)(3.6 miles)(15 min.)+(Walk)(3.6 miles)(1:22)(800 Kcal)

3/1/23: Woke 7:30, made beds.  Did moderate to enhanced stretching and moderate to enhanced calisthenics. 1:31, using about 750 Kcal.  Went to lunch with Mens club. Came home decided to take bike to LBS, 15 minute ride, 3.6 miles, dropped off bike and walked back, 3.6 miles, 1:22, using total Kcal, 800 Kcal.


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