Sun.Sunny/Warmer! (Enh.Str./Enh.Calis.+Enh.Wts.)(2:19)(1350 Kcal)(Wt. 181)+(Wlking)(2miles)(300 Kcal)+(Working on car)(30 min.)(150 Kcal)

 9/18/22: Woke 7:36, made beds.  Decided to do the whole routine.  Enhanced stretching plus enhanced stretching and enhanced weights.  Total time 2:19, using about 1350 Kcal. Weight 181. Walked arond food truch/carnivale in Mt. Laurel/met with Foushee. 2 miles, 300 Kcal.  Then had to work on wife's car under carriage, she ripped it up going over curb. 1/2 hr. 150 Kcal.


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