Fri.Sun/some clouds/warm/cool (Massage/1 mile swim)(38:18)(150 lengths)(400 Kcal)(No wt. recorded)+(W)(HILLS!)(3 miles)(500 Kcal)

 9/9/22:  Woke 7:20, did not make beds. Went for message, helped the pain in rt. wrist and left hamstring a little. Swam in empty pool before we left ship. 38:18, 150 lengths, using about 400 Kcal. Halifax, Nova Scotia.  Serious hills, (3 miles/500 Kcal) cloudy/cool, Son help grand daughter mount the wave at the tourist center, I have video! I tried, but my shoes did not have sufficient tread to make it up the wave. Walked around and "shopped". I left for ship earlier than the rest.  


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