Thurs. Mostly cloudy/60s-low 70s (Enh.Str./Calis.)(1:38)(650 Kcal)(Wt. 181)+(Garden)(2:24)(1200 Kcal)
5/12/22: Woke 7:30, made beds. Enhanced stretching and calisthenics, 1:38, using about 650 Kcal, weight 181. Decided to clean up back yard junk, leaves, etc... and put fence up for the large raised garden. Planted all the plants I bought, about 20 plants...eggplant, peppers, cucumbers and tried to germinate some "herb discs" I got from Camden Garden, don't know if it will grow, we shall see. Threw away a lot of material that was no longer useful and rolled up all unused green plastic fencing. 2:24 using about 1200 Kcal
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