Sun.Cloudy60s (Enh.Str./Calis.)(1:31)(650 Kcal)(Wt.182)+(Gardening)(2:50)(1500 Kcal)

 4/24/22: Woke 6:40, made beds temporarily, after exercise stripped them down, washed sheets and towels, made beds.  Enhanced stretching and calisthenics, 1:31, using 650 Kcal.  Weight 182. Gardening, planted 12 bulbs, numerous seeds and watered them.  Weeded from raised garden, the back part of the front yard raised garden, repaired small raised garden, weeded that one, weeded the large back raised garden, put in large ceramic tiles in rear raised garden so I could put another few inches of top soil. 2:50 using about 1500 Kcal.


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