Tues. (Light str./Calis)(15 min.)(150 Kcal)+(Walk)(3.92 m)(1:20)(600 Kcal)(Car accident!)
3/22/22: Woke 7AM, made bed. Light stretching and calisthenics, 15 min, 150 Kcal. Visited mother in law and walked the path behind journey care, laps, 3.92 miles in 1:20, using 600 Kcal. No weight. Had car accident coming home after visiting and then having an Indian type dinner. Kevin E. Butler (in a blue car) ran into the back of the rental car, while we were stopping behind one care at a red light, 7:30 PM, since I had my foot on the brake, we did not hit the car in front but we were pushed and turned slightly to the left, not quite into on-coming traffic, with me and wife in car, at high speed. Lincolnshire Rt. 21 and Marriot Drive (Milwaukee Ave.), police report number 2022-4193, call 866-215-2771. Both cars were total, Wife shook up badly, hit right knee and tenderness in neck (checked out by ambulance personnel), - I was basically shook up but refused to go to hospital. Was not raining but there were puddles on side of the road. When I went up to the blue car after accident, Butler said something about his hood flying up and he could not see. His hood was smashed down tight to the rest of the car, so that was not consistent with his story. His eyes were not focused and he could not complete sentences. He tried to start his car, but I told him that was not a good idea. Police showed up in a matter of 10 min. I told police that I was a former EMT and that the other drive was under the influence in my opinion (it was not clear to me if the driver was arrested at the scene or not). A women witness said she called 911 and stayed and gave the story to the police. We were hustled into the back of the police car, and M.G. picked us up in his truck and we went to his place.
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