Fri.Cloudy/snow later (Enh.Str./Calis+Enh.wts.)(1:54)(1000 Kcal)+(Shoveled snow)(27 min.)+(Cleaned out snowblower)(1 hr.)(Wt. 183)

 1/28/22: Woke 8:40, made beds. Cloudy, threatening snow later. Enhanced stretching and calisthenics plus enhanced weights, 1:54, using about 1000 Kcal.  Also freed up snowblower and attempted to gas it and get it started.  Started but died, went to place where I last had it serviced and he retired, so I'm SOL. Cleaning took about 1 hr. 300 Kcal.  Wt. 183.  Did a bit of snow clearing just before wife came home from work, about 2 inches of snow took about 27 min.


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