Wed. Sunny/cool. (Wood working)(2 hrs.)(400 Kcal)(Wt. 196)
9/16/20: Got up around 8AM. Made bed did 45 push ups 20 sit ups, 20 clean/jerks with 15 lbs kettle, 20 curls with same. Last night got a call from MKor to make 165 sticks for portrait placards for pew seats. Went to storage bin this morning and found enough scrap wood to make 176 sticks, took about 2 hrs using about 400 Kcal. Weight 196? I did not eat anything this morning and pooped 2X. Will deliver sticks to MKor at 4PM. Meanwhile took shower weighed myself and have a conference call with St. Joe McCann head of Bio. dept. at 1:30 -Zoom.
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