Thurs.Cloudy 50-80 degrees)(Morning exercises)(25 min.)(300 Kcal)+(B)(23.36)(1:50)(1150 Kcal(Wt. 196)
9/24/20: Woke around 7:30. Made two sets of beds. Then did morning exercises. 50 push ups (a "little" easier). 20 clean/jerk, 20 upright curls, 20 jumping jacks, 20 lawn mower pulls-each hand, 20 pendulums (just one 25 lb. weight), 20 sit ups, 20 prone pushes/weight above body, 20 pull overs using back of arms. About 25 min, using about 300 Kcal. Later, decided to ride bike, 23.36 miles in about 1:50, using about 1150 Kcal. Found $1.16
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