Tues. Sunny/warm (Gardening)(2.5 hrs.)(1000Kcal) (Wt. 190)

4/7/20: Got up 9AM.  Was woken up by wife at 6:30 when power went out in the house and I had to manually open up the garage door. Electric was back on by 7:30 I fitfully slept until 9AM.  Kitchen TV cable box out.  Tried to return it, but place was closed.  Went to BJs on way home and got salmon, air filters for house, frozen fruit, and frozen fudge bars.  Came home and decided to tackle the small veggie bed.  Reworked all of the retaining stones from sideways to upright, turned over the dirt and filled it in with mulch/dirt from George. 2.5 hrs, using about 1000 Kcal.  Wt. 190


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