Wed. Sunny/cool/warm (Stairmaster)(22 min)(288 Kcal)+(Treadmill)(42 min)(455 Kcal)(Wt. 181)
9/18/19: Did not sleep well, woke 5AM to pass liquid, couldn't go back to sleep. Computer for a while, then around 6:30, went to sleep, woke around 9:10. Went to get money, drop off phone to "salazar"- found phone along 561 while riding bike, then went to gym. Did stairmaster for 22 min, speed 8 and then 18th min pushed speed to 9, then 19th min, pushed speed to 10, then warm down at 5 for 2 min. Time 22 min, steps 1620, flights 104, kcal 288. Then rested for 2 min and onto treadmill, 42 min, speed 3.4 mph, incline 8, 455 kcal, distance 2.42 miles. Total kcal=742, wt. 181. Then met Mom-in-law, brother in law and spouse at Turning point for lunch.
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