Wed. Sunny HOT 90's (Gardening)(2 hrs.)(600 Kcal)+(S)(1.25 miles+)(47:50)+(Water walking 1/8 mile)(600 Kcal)(Wt. 181)
9/11/19: Made two flags for mailbox. one black for today 9/11 and one light blue, discovered I had an American flag that might fit the pole, we shall see.. Decided to get rid of two white pine roots that were lifting up walkway. A lot of digging and finally used bow saw to cut the offending roots. Had to remove 9-10 blocks and remove stuff below the blocks to even the blocks out. 2 hrs. using about 600 Kcal. Then went to gym, swam 90 lengths, 1.25 miles+, using 500 Kcal, then disconnected the lane lines and walked in 3+ feet of water for 1/8 mile. Probably won't do that again. Takes to long to reattach the lane lines. Used about 100 Kcal for the walking. Total 1300 Kcal. wt. 181
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