Sun.Sunny/Warm/hot (Stairmaster)(Speed 8)(Kcal285)(23 min.)+(Treadmill)(43 min.)(Speed 3.4 mph)(463 Kcal)(Wt. 179!)

9/1/19: Got up around 8-9 AM.  Washed sheets, refinished nightstands with varnish and varnished head board of bed.  Went to gym.  Did Stairmaster, speed 8, floors, 103, time 23 min, steps 1680, kcal 285, max heart rate 150.  Then did treadmill, speed 3.4 mph, time 43 min, distance 2.45 miles, incline 8, kcal 463, max. heart rate 138.  Total Kcal=748.  Wt. 179.


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