Fri.Mostly sunny/hot/some clouds (Woodworking)(2 hrs.)(400 Kcal)+(S)(1.25 miles+)(44:49)(500 Kcal)+(Water aerobics)(20 min)(100 Kcal)(Wt. 180!)
8/16/19: Got up around 6AM, could not sleep well. Finished first display box and put PEZ dispensers in box and put it in basement. (2 hrs.)(400 Kcal). Then went to gym and did 90 lengths (+2 cool down lengths), 1.25 miles+ , in 44:49 using 500 Kcal. Then did water aerobics for 20 min, using about 100 Kcal. Total Kcal=1000. Wt. 180.
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