Fri. Sunny/warm (B)(26 miles)(2 hrs. 15 min)(1300 Kcal)(Wt. 182)
8/30/19: Woke around 5 AM could not go back to sleep. Went in other bedroom, read awhile, fell back asleep till 9AM Went on canvas (SJU) and checked to see if any of the homework had been turned in, nothing completed, 2 students took safety quiz but scored 90, I sent note indicating they had to score 100. Then took down ballast for downstairs fluorescent lights and got in my bike gear to get new ballasts from home depot. On way discovered that my NEW computer/odometer was not working. Got ballast and then rode all the way to Wheelies to get that fixed. Came home. 26 miles in about 2.25 hrs. of actual riding time, using about 1300 Kcal. Wt. 182
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