Wed. Sunny/Hot humid/brief showers (Stairmaster)(24 min.)(295 Kcal)+(Treadmill)(42 min.)(360 Kcal)(Wt. 179!!!!!)

7/3/19: Got up aroun 7AM, laid in bed till 7:30AM.  Went to lunch ...mens club at Short Hills, then came home, went to gym, did Stairmaster for 24 min., Steps 1685, speed 8, Kcal 295, floors 106, totp heart rate 150, then treadmill, distance 2.4 miles, 42 min, speed 3.4 mph, incline 5, Kcal=360, heart rate 130. Wt. 179!!! Finally broke 180 mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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