Sun.Sunny/warm (Stairmaster)(24 min.)(290 Kcal)(speed 8)+(Treadmill)(speed 3.5 MPH)(incline 4)(42 min)(335 Kcal)(Wt. 185)

6/2/19: Got up around 7AM.  Finally got out of the house and to gym.  Did stairmaster, 104 flights, 1680 steps, speed 8290 Kcal, heart rate 135, 24 min.  Then treadmill, 42 min. speed 3.5 mph, incline 4, 335 kcal, distance 2.4 miles. Heart rate 110. Total Kcal=625 Kcal, wt. 185.Total time = 66 min.


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