Fri.Sunny/decidedly cool/windy (Stairmaster)(Steps 1600)(22 min)(100 fl)(270 Kcal)(Spd 8)(Heart 155)+(Tread)(2.2 miles)(42 min.)(3.2 MPH)(340 Kcal)(Wt. 184)

6/14/19: got up around 7-7:30, went to gym then to Nottingham for retirement party. Did stairmaster for 22 min, 1600 steps, floors 100 Kcal=270, speed 8, max heart rate 155. Really poohed me out, had to sit and wait for quads/gastrocnemious to recover. Then did treadmill, dist. 2.2 miles, incline 5, time 42 min, speed 3.2 mph, Kcal 340.  Wt. 184. Total Kcal610 Kcal.


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