Fri.Cloudy/cooler/not as humid, threat of rain (S)(1.5 miles +)(55:55)+(Water aerobics)(15 min)(Wt. 184) Tot. Kcal=750
6/21/19: Got a text from Ken, Ken/Kelly at hospital awaiting the delivery of grand daughter. I got up around 7AM, stopped at bank to make deposit, then to gym where 1st they said pool taken up for unknown amount of time, I showed my displeasure and invoked Dom Balducci's name. Suddently "allowed" to use last lane while some group was doing lifeguard training. I swam 110 length, 2750 yards, about 1.5 miles in 55:55 (slow time) and did water aerobics for 15 min. Kcal=750 wt. 184.
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