Tues. Sunny/then cloudy/cold (Stairmaster)(24 min.)(110 flights)(300 Kcal)(1750 steps)(speed 8)+(ARC strider)(10 incline)(25 stride length)(42 min.)(2 miles)(520 Kcal)(Wt. 185!)

4/2/19: Did not go to Voorhees Pediatric this week.  Next week maybe.  Made a new interactive device with lights and bell. Got up 7:30, went to gym, did 24 min on stairmaster 300 kcal, 110 floors, 1750 steps, speed 8 with 10 speed in middle and end for one minute each.  Then went on ARC trainer, 42 min. 520 Kcal, 2 miles with a 10 incline and 25 stride length.  Total Kcal=820 Kcal.  Wt. 185!


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