Thurs.Cloudy/cool/cold (Stairmaster)(20:48)(1377 steps)(Pace 7)(85 floors)(250 Kcal)+(Treadmill)(45 min.)(Incline 4)(3MPH)(Dist. 2.15Miles)(350 Kcal)(Wt. 188!)

1/3/19:Got up around 8AM.  Did not sleep well. Changed and stopped at Pediatric Center to drop off my application to volunteer, but they said I had to email rose lynch...they could not accept my application. Then went to gym to work out. Stairmaster, resistance 7, 85 floors, 1377 steps 250 Kcal, 20:48+treadmill with two five lbs. hand weights doing curls all the time.  45 min, incline 4, 3 mph, dist. 2.15 miles. 350 kcal.  Total kcal=600 Kcal.  Wt. 188!


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